Sometimes, a tooth must be extracted due to injury, illness, infection, or decay. Furthermore, adult teeth may be overcrowded, requiring tooth removal as part of the alignment process. At Beacon Dental Clinic, our experienced dentists are qualified to safely extract teeth and deliver the aftercare you need to recover and regain health, function, and a beautiful smile. To avoid complications that could compromise your recovery, it’s important to follow all tooth extraction care instructions.


Bite firmly on the pressure pack for 30 minutes. If bleeding continues roll up a tissue and bite on it until the bleeding stops. The socket may lightly bleed for a day or so. There always appears to be more blood than there really is because it mixes with saliva in your mouth. At most, you will lose an egg cup full of blood.


Avoid rinsing until the day after extraction as this can remove the blood clot making bleeding more likely. Rinsing for several days following the extraction helps encourage healing and should be carried out several times daily with warm salt water or mouthwash.

Eating and Drinking

A soft diet is advisable on the day of the extraction. Fluids should be taken also no alcohol. Care should be taken not to bite lip or tongue.


Occasionally there is some swelling following extractions. This is normal. Apply an ice pack initially and it should heal up within two weeks.


Avoid strenuous exercise on the day of extraction as this increases the likelihood of bleeding.


You will be very numb for several hours after the extraction. Care is necessary to avoid biting your tongue/lip.

Dry Socket

Sometimes a socket can dry out and become inflamed. This presents as severe pain coming after a few days following the extraction. The best way to prevent this is regular rinsing from the day after the extraction and not smoking on the day of the extraction. Keep rinsing and take painkillers as needed. Corsodyl is one of the best mouthwashes to use. The pain will go once the socket closes in about 10 days or so.

If the pain gets worst – it is important to see your dentist, who may place a dressing in the socket and prescribe a course of antibiotics to help relieve the infection.

Sharp Edges

You might feel sharp edges in the socket. When the tooth is being extracted, the thin shell of bone around it can produce splinters that look like bits of tooth. Don’t worry, the splinters will disappear, and the sharp edges will smooth out. Rarely, if there is any fragments of root root left in the socket the dentist will inform you at the time.


Some pain is to be expected following an extraction. It is always wise to take painkillers before the pain starts and so painkillers should be taken after two hours or so after the anesthetic has been given. Continue for several days as required. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Most effective tablets for dental pain are usually anti-inflammatory tablets such as Ibuprofen. This may e found in Nuerofen / Brufen.

Important tips to remember

  • Bite firmly on the pressure pack for 30 mins.
  • To avoid a painful Dry Socket – Don’t Smoke
  • Avoid rinsing until the day after the extraction.
  • Numbness: Avoid biting your gum/tongue or lip.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise on the day of the extraction.
  • Apply ice pack if there is swelling.
  • Eat soft foods on the day of the extraction.
  • Rinse regularly the day after with Corsodyl mouthwash.
  • Splinters will disappear.
  • Take 2 painkillers, 2 hours after the extraction.
  • If the socket starts to bleed again, do not worry, just bite on a rolled up piece of tissue.

Once you are fully healed, you can discuss tooth replacement options with our dentists to restore your smile and avoid the shifting of other teeth.

For further information, contact us today

Source: Health Direct