About Ian Jackson

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So far Ian Jackson has created 3 blog entries.

Having Snoring and Disrupted Sleep Investigated

2024-07-17T10:14:40+00:00June 7th, 2024|Sleep Apnoea, Snoring Treatment Dublin 18|

Respiratory Sleep Disorders are very common conditions which pose a significant health burden, due to their potential complications. A definitive diagnosis requires: Objective recording and measurement of Sleep and Breathing   A full assessment of daytime poor sleep related symptoms, night-time symptoms assessed in detail, [...]

What can I do if I suspect I have Sleep Apnoea?

2024-05-08T16:10:53+00:00May 8th, 2024|Sleep Apnoea|

It is important to undergo Sleep Testing, for an accurate diagnosis of your symptoms. This process can start with your GP. Your GP can take a detailed history of your symptoms and concerns. This will may often include: Your partner complaining, your snoring is [...]

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