Prosthodontics is the field of dentistry that relates to re-building of natural teeth and restoring missing teeth with prosthetic replacements in order to achieve the best possible outcome.

Prosthodontics can range from a routine single crown for a damaged tooth or it could involve more complex procedures, such as full mouth reconstruction of damaged or mutilated dentitions. In the majority of cases, the job of a prosthodontist lies somewhere between these two clinical situations.


If you have one or more missing teeth, and seek the superior treatment option, our skilled dentists can help you to look and feel great again with dental implants. Contact us today to discuss if a dental implant is the right solution for you.

Dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth-loss. Each implant is created bespoke to you, so you’ll benefit from a truly natural-looking smile.

Dental Implants are metal posts that integrate with the bone to act as artificial roots supporting the construction of artificial teeth above.

Simply stated, a dental implant establishes a foundation for a tooth or teeth to be affixed to where previously there was none.

Advantages of Dental Implants

  • ​Allow for a long lasting fixed alternative to removable dentures.
  • Provide high levels of support for the replacement of several teeth.
  • Avoids damage to adjacent teeth as required by bridges.
  • Predictable results.​


Crowns are often suggested to restore a tooth that has been extensively damaged or weakened and is now unsuitable just to be filled. They provide a seamless finish, resulting in a tooth that functions and feels like a normal one should.
A crown is a laboratory-constructed restoration, which covers all or part of a tooth in order to improve both appearance and function. Crowns are made of metal, porcelain or a combination of both. The new materials we have available to us and with the advances in dental equipment and technology, porcelain crowns can now be made so that they are virtually undistinguishable from their neighbours.

When are Crowns Used?

  • To restore badly broken down teeth.
  • To alter shape, size or inclination of teeth. For improved function and or aesthetics.
  • To rebuild a mouth with excessive tooth wear
  • To provide support for bridges and dentures.
  • To protect root treated teeth.
  • To cover severely stained or discoloured teeth.

All prosthodontic work should be as aesthetic as possible. It is essential that the patient plays an active part in the treatment, to convey their exact desires and expectations. Crowns are prepared in conjunction with the onsite laboratory technicians to analyse the shade, shape and size and meet the individual requirements of the patients.


A dental bridge consists of one or more crowns (artificial teeth) that are joined together to essentially ‘bridge’ a gap in your teeth. They cannot be removed, making them a suitable, long-lasting solution to tooth loss.

When are bridges used?

  • Improve appearance.
  • Improve function / masticatory efficiency.
  • Prevent adjacent teeth from drifting and tilting, and the opposing tooth from overerupting.
  • Prevent food impaction which can result in gum disease and future tooth loss.
  • Improve speech

There are several types of bridges.

Conventional Bridge can be constructed from metal, porcelain, or a combination of the two. These bridges involve removing tooth tissue, or a previous restoration and replacing it with a crown or inlay. This may be destructive of tooth tissue and can be time consuming.
Minimal Preparation Bridge can be used in certain circumstances as an excellent alternative, as it involves attaching the artificial tooth or teeth via a metal plate to the minimally prepared inner surface of adjacent teeth. These can only be used when the adjacent teeth have sufficient intact enamel and when the occlusion (bite) is favourable. Minimal preparation bridges also have a slightly increased tendency of decementing.
Implant supported bridge. In many situations, a dental implant can support more than one tooth unit. In this case, the bridge is either cemented or screwed to the implants below. The number of implants needed to support the bridge depends on many factors.

There are always many alternatives to restore a missing tooth or teeth. The advantages and disadvantages of the varying options are explained to our patients who are always part of the treatment planning process.

To discuss your dental treatment options, contact us today