Snoring may generally be considered harmless, however, it can sometimes indicate a more serious underlying health condition, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.

Snoring is common, may often run in families and may not cause concern, especially if it is infrequent and not accompanied by other symptoms. However, concerning symptoms which accompany Snoring, may include breath gasping at night (may indicate unexplained cessation in breathing at night) often waking up with a headache. Also a symptom described as feeling sleepy throughout the day with clouded thinking, poor memory recall. High blood pressure and ongoing unexplained weight gain are also amongst several symptoms, which are commonly found in Snorers.

Snoring can be very disruptive at home and when room sharing. The snorer is often asked to leave the bedroom, which can contribute to domestic disharmony.

Heavy snoring however, especially when interrupted by pauses in breathing patterns, may be a sign of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea is a serious Sleep Disorder, where breathing may stop for short periods, during sleep. Untreated, Sleep Apnoea can be very harmful to several body systems:
• Cardiovascular health, including heart rate and blood pressure
• Endocrine health, including control of blood sugar, amongst several other important hormones, required for health
• Cognitive health, memory
• Psychological health, mood, emotional health

These are just some of the symptoms which Sleep Apnoea may present. If you or your partner have concerns about Snoring, it is advisable to speak with your GP. Discuss your concerns, the symptoms you are experiencing in more detail and request a referral for further investigations. This may include an overnight Sleep Testing (home or in hospital) to explore your potential treatment options, to best manage the symptom(s) and preserve your health.
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