Edel Hurley talks to the Pat Kenny show
For further information, please email: info@beacondentalsleep.ie or call 01 5310088 www.beacondentalsleep.ie Click here to download the Beacon Dental Sleep Patient Brochure
For further information, please email: info@beacondentalsleep.ie or call 01 5310088 www.beacondentalsleep.ie Click here to download the Beacon Dental Sleep Patient Brochure
How does a Mandibular Advancement Device (also known as a Dental Sleep Device) or Oral Appliance Therapy work? A Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) works by a very precise, planned and temporary forward movement of the lower jaw, bringing the tongue forward, which causes a widening [...]
Good quality sleep is critical to our overall well-being. Does your Sleeping Position Matter? What position you sleep in can affect many aspects of health, including Sleep Disordered Breathing, Gastroesophageal reflux (GORD), some musculoskeletal pain, our neurological health and even cosmetic wrinkling of facial skin, [...]
If you think you have Sleep Apnoea, it is essential to consult a Healthcare Professional, who will refer you for a variety of investigations, dependent on your presenting symptoms and a diagnosis, to discuss appropriate treatment options. Here are the key steps you can take: [...]
Respiratory Sleep Disorders are very common conditions which pose a significant health burden, due to their potential complications. A definitive diagnosis requires: Objective recording and measurement of Sleep and Breathing A full assessment of daytime poor sleep related symptoms, night-time symptoms assessed in detail, [...]
Snoring may generally be considered harmless, however, it can sometimes indicate a more serious underlying health condition, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Snoring is common, may often run in families and may not cause concern, especially if it is infrequent and not accompanied by other symptoms. However, [...]
It is important to undergo Sleep Testing, for an accurate diagnosis of your symptoms. This process can start with your GP. Your GP can take a detailed history of your symptoms and concerns. This will may often include: Your partner complaining, your snoring is [...]
A Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) is an Oral Appliance System used in the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). Device therapy is typically prescribed for the treatment of Sleep Disordered Breathing and worn in the mouth during Sleep, working by precisely repositioning the lower jaw [...]
Anywhere from 10% to 15% of U.S. females have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a sleep disorder characterized by breathing that repeatedly slows or stops during sleep. While snoring and daytime sleepiness are common symptoms of sleep apnea, women with OSA may present with morning headaches, [...]
I never knew what Sleep Apnoea was and just how serious it could affect my life until I started researching some health changes which I was experiencing. I had high blood pressure. I was prescribed some medication for it and it still was not well [...]