People who slept for more than nine hours, or less than five hours, were more likely to have a stroke, researchers found.
People who have sleep issues may be more likely to have a stroke.
A new study revealed getting too much or too little sleep, taking long naps, having poor quality sleep, snoring, snorting and sleep apnoea – where breathing is disrupted – can increase risk, significantly so for anyone suffering with more than five of these symptoms.
Snorers were almost twice as likely as non-snorers to have a stroke.
People who slept for more than nine hours, or less than five hours, were more likely to have a stroke than people who had an average of seven hours, researchers found.
The findings, published in the Neurology journal, do not show that sleeping problems cause stroke, but they show an association.
Study author Christine McCarthy, of the University of Galway in Ireland, said: “Not only do our results suggest that individual sleep problems may increase a person’s risk of stroke, but having more than five of these symptoms may lead to five times the risk of stroke, compared to those who do not have any sleep problems.
Our results suggest that sleep problems should be an area of focus for stroke prevention.”
The study involved 4,496 people: 2,238 who had a stroke and 2,258 who did not.
Subjects were asked about their sleep behaviour, including how many hours of sleep they got, sleep quality, napping, snoring, snorting and breathing problems during sleep.
The study indicated that people who snored were 91% more likely to have a stroke than those who did not, so how can you stop yourself snoring?
5 ways to stop snoring
Snoring is caused when the air travelling through your nose, mouth or throat is partially obstructed during the night. Try these tactics to help kick the habit.
1. Avoid alcohol
Boozy nights out often lead to sleepless, snore-filled slumber. Alcohol has a sedative effect, which relaxes the jaw and throat muscles, making an obstruction in your airway more likely. Avoid booze if you want to stop snoring.
2. Sleep on your side
Silencing your snores could be as simple as adjusting your sleeping position.
Laying on your side, rather than your back, can help to reduce snoring, as this can prevent the base of your tongue collapsing into the back wall of your throat. It’s not guaranteed, but should certainly help.
3. Try a snoring pillow
There are some products you can buy, which are specially designed to prevent snoring.
Sleeping on a pillow which sufficiently supports your head and neck can help, as it can ensure your head is propped up enough to prevent your airways becoming blocked.
4. Stay within a healthy weight range
Excess fatty tissue around the neck and poor muscle tone can contribute to the problem.
Snoring is more common if you’re overweight, so taking steps to reduce excess pounds can help to reduce the chances you’ll start making noise in the night.
5. Keep a sleep diary
A sleep diary is a great way to help you identify what factors in your life are helping and hindering your sleep and snoring.
Make a note of sleep times, how many times you’re waking up in the night, the food and drink you’ve consumed throughout the day, your amount of screen time, and your day’s activity.
After keeping a record of your sleep for a month, you’ll be able to see any trends, including activities during the day that are impacting you at night. Using this information, you can then make lifestyle changes to help tackle the issue.
About the Beacon Dental Sleep Medicine Clinic
Located in the Beacon Consultants Clinic in Sandyford, our facility collaborates with major hospital sleep disorder clinics and other specialists and have been active in the development and use of oral sleep appliances in the area of Dental Sleep Medicine in Ireland over many years.
We utilise a range of new technologies and treatment approaches. These include the use of customised digitally fabricated oral devices with specific sensor technology use to enable monitoring for ongoing evaluation.
As a result, the clinic has been successful in assisting many patients, and oftentimes also importantly, their sleep disrupted partners, in achieving more optimal and healthy sleep experiences.
Can snoring be cured?
Every heavy snorer does not need treatment however any snorer is a potential obstructive sleep apnea patient. So, if you have loud snoring which disrupts your sleep, causing excessive daytime sleepiness/tiredness, weight gain and inability to engage properly in exercise, uncontrolled hypertension, and frequent arousals at night, you need to see a sleep specialist.
People often do not know where to start. The first step is to get in touch or call 01 213 5644 to discuss your specific concerns and let us help you solve the problem and regain control of your night-time sleep.
Dental Sleep Medicine is an area of clinical expertise that focuses on the management of sleep-related breathing disorders, including snoring, noisy disturbed sleep, sleep apnea, CPAP intolerance a, nd sleep bruxism (teeth grinding), with the design and fitting of customised ooral/dentalappliances.
To book an appointment with the Beacon Dental Clinic, click here
Source: The Irish Times
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